Dangerous Horse Health Problems: What to Look Out For

Horses are beloved companions and loyal working animals, and keeping them healthy and safe is important. Unfortunately, horses are subject to various health problems that may not be readily visible to the untrained eye. These can range from minor issues like parasites or skin conditions to more severe cases like colic or laminitis. To keep your horse in the best of health, it is important to familiarize yourself with the most common dangerous health problems that can affect your horse, as well as their symptoms and how they may be treated.

Colic in Horses

One of the most dangerous health problems in horses is colic. Colic is a general term that encompasses a wide range of abdominal conditions and can include gas distention, intestinal blockage, or ulceration. Symptoms of colic may include restlessness, pawing at the ground, rolling on the ground, excessive sweating, lack of appetite or drinking, excessive salivation, increased respiration rate, kicking at the abdomen, or lying down in an unusual position. If left untreated, colic can be fatal for horses. 


Laminitis is another potentially fatal condition that affects horses. Laminitis can be caused by consuming too much grain or lush grasses; overexertion; trauma; or certain medical conditions such as Cushing’s disease or equine metabolic syndrome. Signs of laminitis include:

  • Reluctance to move.
  • Shifting the weight onto one foot.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Tenderness in the feet when touched.

Act quickly if you notice any signs of laminitis in your horse, as it can progress rapidly and lead to severe complications such as lameness or death if left untreated. 

Joint Issues

Joint issues and arthritis can take a toll on horses, not just in pain and discomfort. If joint pains are left untreated, it can lead to even more serious problems.


Parasites can also be a major issue for horses. Internal parasites, like worms, and external pests, like lice and mites, can cause weight loss, skin irritation, and gastrointestinal distress. 

Eye Problems

Eye problems are a common yet potentially dangerous issue for horses. While some eye conditions may not appear to be serious at first, the consequences of leaving them untreated can be severe and long-lasting. 

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva in your horse’s eye. Symptoms are swelling, redness, and discharge from the affected eye. Treatment typically involves applying topical ointments or steroids to reduce inflammation and prevent further infection. 

Corneal ulcers are open sores on the cornea’s surface that can be caused by trauma or infection. They often occur in one eye, though they can sometimes affect both eyes. Symptoms include pain, redness, tearing or squinting in the affected eye, and cloudy vision. Treatment typically involves antibiotics to prevent infection, anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and swelling, and surgery in the worst cases.

Uveitis is an inflammation of the uvea or middle layer of several different structures in the eye, such as the iris, ciliary body, or choroid. Treatment for uveitis generally involves topical medications such as steroids to reduce inflammation and antibiotics to prevent further infection. 

Other Health Problems

In addition to colic and laminitis, other dangerous health problems in horses include respiratory ailments such as heaves (also known as recurrent airway obstruction) and strangles (a contagious bacterial infection); various skin diseases such as rain rot and equine viral arteritis; and urological such problems as kidney stones or blood in the urine of horses. Horse owners need to look for signs that could signal any of these conditions so that prompt action may be taken if necessary. 

Things to Consider

To ensure your horse stays healthy, it is important to provide them with regular veterinary care, including routine vaccinations, dental check-ups, parasite control programs (such as deworming), hoof care assessments, and farrier visits when needed. It is also necessary for owners to practice good nutrition management by providing quality feed and hay appropriate for their horse’s age and body condition score. Additionally, exercise regimes should be tailored specifically for each horse’s needs to ensure optimal physical health without over-exertion. 

Finally, owners must remain vigilant regarding recognizing signs of potential health problems in their horses and responding quickly if something seems amiss. Being aware of the symptoms associated with common dangerous health problems like colic and laminitis can help owners act fast should they occur—and save lives in the process.

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