How to choose curtains perfectly for your space?

Remember that functionality comes first. Understanding why you want them and their main purpose can help you choose living room drapes. The style will be everything if the only goal is cosmetic. Additionally, there are compelling arguments in favor of employing living room drapes. They primarily provide privacy and control how much light enters the room. These factors will influence your decision on drapes. We’re talking about curtains to help you understand them fully before buying. Before selecting the living room curtains, there are many things to consider. It’s usually a matter of finding the correct combination; the material, texture, length, style, and color are all important. This article will guide you properly.

What to know about the benefit of using curtains?

• Living room drapes that cover the window and blocks prying eyes are necessary for privacy. Pairing curtains with blinds or shades can help you accomplish this. Due to the fact that the drapes won’t need to be as opaque if you choose a combination, you may have more options. You also can choose 108 inch curtains

• The choice of cloth is essential for controlling light.

• While keeping out the harsh direct sun, sheers will still allow enough natural light in.

• Light will filter through to a lesser extent than sheers through medium-weight materials like linen.

• Lining and heavier textiles obstruct entirely natural light. An alternative is to use blackout curtains, which have a unique lining that blocks all light.

What size curtain should a person use?

Whether or not you want the curtains to cover the window ultimately will determine the width of the curtain panels.

You don’t need to calculate as accurately if you’re using drapes and blinds or if the curtains are merely decorative.

When measuring for curtains, you’ll need to add some extra calculations if you wish to cover the entire window.

• When measuring, add 12 inches to each side to ensure that the panels are wide enough to accommodate the rod, which will protrude 4 to 6 inches beyond each side of the window frame.

• Standard curtain panels that are readily available are typically 48 inches wide. The panel can also be narrower if collected in a pleated or another manner. This is also possible to discover a few curtain panels in double widths, specifically the sheers.

It is widespread to have long drapes that extend from the ceiling to the ground. They are fantastic because they make rooms appear taller. This is due to the curtains’ highest point, which causes us to look up. Naturally, you may also utilize them to give the impression that a high ceiling is much higher.


Curtains come in a variety of lengths. Some are made to be short and some to be long, but there is also an option in the middle, and many types may be altered to have the specific length you want. This article will help you to choose a perfect curtain. 

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