An editor’s job is not for everyone. But those who have been successful writers know that an editor’s job is no walk in the park.

Before any book, magazine, or journal article gets published, multiple drafts would come across an editor. The overall quality content of the books and other readable items lies in the hands of the editor.

Being an editor usually includes reviewing and polishing articles from various books and articles. They also finalize manuscripts and examine documents before it is printed, as well as make suggestions that could improve a story.   

There are also types of editors depending on what field they specialize in. An example would be medical editors that review medical documents and scientific editors who review scientific clarity. 

Furthermore, there are also academic, technical, journal editors, and a lot more.   

An editor is usually fond of reading stories and enjoys writing. Which would be a plus and fit for the job. If you are interested in becoming one, there are some things you might want to consider. 

One of the roles you need to fill is setting an article’s standards and requirements. You need to consider specifics such as your editor salary, your editing schedule, and your client’s expectation.

Below are some of the vital information you might need to understand better being an editor.

Let’s look at in detail the specific job description of an editor.


An editor’s description ensures the accuracy of all written materials. Making sure that a writer’s work flows well. Also, the editor helps improve the writing of the author.

They could also give writers ideas, advice and information that could enhance their written work if there are possible changes that are needed in a document before publishing.

Furthermore, an editor’s job includes managing content and suggesting stories that align with the audience’s preferences, which would make the story more interesting.

The editor reviewing the work of a writer could eventually improve the quality of a story and may provide clearer and more readable content. 


The overall responsibility of editors is to oversee the content. They manage errors and edit them impromptu to improve a story’s accuracy. They also proofread and edited a level that could help in enhancing a story.  

In addition, they also recruit and manage reporters and writers and guide them in their field of work. 


An aspiring editor must have the following requirements such as having strong writing and editing skills, multitasking and having an eye for the details needed.

Most editors, especially book editors, would have a degree in Literature or Journalism and other related fields. As well as having experience being an editor and expertise in other publishing tools.   

Nowadays, it is a plus for editors to have proficiency with social media practices, MS office, SEO, Photoshop and InDesign, which are commonly used by an editor to edit and enhance a story before being published. 


Most editors work full- time which is usually determined by the deadlines that need to be done. An example is those working in publication, live broadcast and digital that tend to spend more hours working.

That typically deals with stress and pressure from trying to meet the required schedule as well as ensuring that the manuscript’s information is correct before publishing.

This is done to improve and help guarantee that the writing is clear, readable and accurate when read. That would create clarity and ease while reading. 


The salary of an editor can vary depending on the factors such as years of experience and educational certificates it has obtained. Also, the skills the editors acquire are some of the things or the basis of an editor’s salary.

However, in the United States, as of August 29, 2022, the salary of an editor ranges from $63,664 up to $83 601, which depends on the editor’s accomplishments in their profession.


Several factors affect the salary of an editor, such as earning a degree. Having a degree will ensure and secure you of having a high salary.

Because completing a Bachelor’s degree has helped you to gain important skills, which enables you to have a background and idea in the job you do.

The location where the cost of living is high also makes an impact on the salary of an editor due to various expenses that need to be paid in the area where you work.

Furthermore, the years of experience in the field of editorial can also affect the salary range. You have gained more knowledge and skills and can be proficient in your profession.     

Types of editor and what they specifically edit

Being an editor has common titles depending on the type of work or job they edit. An example would be:

Online Editors:  

An online editor’s work is to edit website contents, blogs and press releases for websites. And also they create policies and strategies for various sites. 

In addition, some companies may require online editors to gather information, manage and develop the contents of videos and post articles. 

Furthermore, their role or job is finalizing videos, which includes processing a video and editing graphics.

Book Editors:

A book editor is the one who determines what a book and a manuscript need. They give or advise editing suggestions that could help polish and improve a writer’s work before being published. 

Also, book editors guide an author if there are grammatical errors, point out weaknesses, and recommend better alternatives. That would enhance a writer’s work. 

Developmental Editors: 

These types of editors help coach authors in their writing by planning outlines and suggesting topics and structures for their books. 

The main focus of their job is to improve a story by evaluating a writer’s work, such as poor character development, plot issues, sentence phrasing and more. This type of editor edits the confusing dialogues in a story.


The role of a proofreader is to ensure that the pieces in a book or a story are clear and readable. They correct errors and flaws in a story by checking the right fonts and watching out for any typos or wrong spellings of a word.

Moreover, proofreaders ensure the consistency of each spelling, punctuation and tone of the content. 

Line editor: 

A line editor is a computer-based text editor. Who edits software before it interacts with video graphic screens that are commonly used on computers?

They deal with the style and readability of a manuscript line by line. Focusing on the clarity, word choice and stylistic factors that could improve writing.

Closing notes

Editors are very important in the field of writing. As they help refine words for a better understanding of a story. Also, they give guides and suggestions, which will eventually improve an author’s writing, leading readers to have a better experience of what they are reading. 

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