Ad fraud is a huge problem for businesses in Australia, and it seems like every day, there’s a new story about it. If customers are not sure what ad fraud is and how it can impact their business, read on. This article explains the ins and outs of ad fraud and ad fraud prevention so that you can mitigate the number of unnecessary ads crawling on your company’s websites.
- Use Trustworthy Companies That Implement Ad Fraud Detection Tools
Implementing an ad fraud detection tool is a highly recommended step for any company wishing to reduce the occurrence of ad fraud. An effective ad fraud detection tool will be able to detect fraudulent traffic and prevent it from being displayed on the company website, which will, in turn, help business owners save money on wasted advertising costs. If people are looking to implement an ad fraud detection tool, here are a few things that companies should keep in mind:
- Choose the right vendor – Before choosing a vendor, make sure that their services are suitable for all the website needs. It is also important that they have experience working with such companies as well as experience dealing with similar issues too (such as ad fraud).
- Choose the right pricing plan – Make sure the vendor has the right pricing plans that allow the business to meet all requirements while still staying within budget parameters set by management teams.
2. Set Up Systems To Prevent Unexpected Charges From Fraudulent Ads
There are steps that businesses in Australia can take to avoid being charged for ad fraud. They can set up systems for ad fraud prevention to minimise unexpected charges from fraudulent ads.
3. Budget
Set up a budget for each campaign. This will help businesses stay within their budget and not spend more money than necessary on ads that are not effective or result in no conversions. Set a cap on the daily spend of each campaign so that people can track how much money they are spending on each campaign before it runs out of funds completely at the end of each day, month or year, depending on how long their campaigns run for (some may run indefinitely).
Track the campaign performance regularly so that businesses will know if there has been an increase in costs since its last review, which might indicate fraudulent activity happening with those particular placements/creatives/ads etcetera
4. Keep A Close Eye On The Data Traffic Of The Website
To reduce ad fraud, keeping a close eye on the website’s data traffic is important. Businesses should look for unusual patterns in the data traffic and unexpected traffic from new sources. If there is anything suspicious, investigate it further by looking at the source of the suspicious activity — where did it come from? Is there an account associated with those activities? If so, what kind of content does that account post?
It might be worth noting that Australia has one of the highest ad fraud rates when compared globally. And that’s just considering the desktop incidents only. Australia is the hub for e-commerce and online trades, but there are better signs than this. All the more reason to implement strong ad prevention tools. If all else fails, review site performance and user behaviour to identify potential issues before they become a problem. Set up systems to prevent unexpected charges from fraudulent ads by monitoring data traffic on the website – this allows users to receive timely warnings about changes in traffic patterns which may indicate something fishy going on with bots trying to infiltrate the page!