What Should The QA Engineer Know? 

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All our devices are working with different applications and allow us to visit different websites. Those websites are created by IT specialists. Testing is an important and integral part of development, allowing you to identify errors and evaluate the usability of web pages. 

Manual Testing

A QA engineer can test the laid-out pages manually or using software tools. The automated method prevents the risk of errors. A specialist can make it during manual testing, and also provides a high speed of verification. However, writing code for such a program requires the qualifications and experience of a QA engineer. In order for the autotest not to miss errors, you need to write a complete work script. When the script is not executed, the program displays an error message. It turns out that automated testing is labor-intensive since writing autotests can take even more time than manually fully checking a web page.

Manual testing is the most appropriate method for testing landing pages. Though, it does not preclude the use of special tools for a more thorough assessment.

It should be borne in mind that web pages have different goals, therefore, they look different. Depending on the length and functionality of a one-page site, the testing speed and checklist will vary.

A test case is a check of the performance of a landing page for compliance with the terms of reference. Such tests allow you to see the result of user actions and avoid possible errors. So, a test case helps to find out what happens if the user enters an incorrect phone number or email address in the feedback form, and what happens if the data is entered correctly.

With experience, a QA engineer relies only on terms of reference, and novice specialists can make a list of tasks for themselves to check in the table.


This stage consists of four key checks, the sequence of which does not affect the effectiveness of testing. 

A QA engineer can immediately start checking the landing page using auxiliary tools, or first perform a visual verification of the layout and landing page. It is not necessary to do visual verification, but experienced QA engineers do it unconsciously: when they look at the layout and immediately notice inconsistencies.

What you need to carefully check when comparing the final product and the design layout. Check the text styles: size, color, font, and indents. Also, do not forget about the distance between blocks. there might be some problems with the location of blocks, icons, and pictures. The most necessary part is to check the text for errors.

Images and pictures, photographs, icons, and logos should not be blurry. As a rule, how clear the graphic elements of the landing page look is visible to the naked eye. 

Correctness Of Our Work And Checking Adaptability

When testing an interface, a QA engineer studies how the graphic elements are used in the landing work. Each of them needs to be interacted with in accordance with the test cases to make sure that all the changed states of the elements are displayed correctly. When clicked, interactive elements, such as links, should lead to the corresponding elements.

When the screen width is changed, elements may not display correctly. For example, some text or images may not be visible to the user. To avoid this, the QA engineer views the web page on various types of devices, operating systems, and browsers.

Usability testing shows how easy it is to use the interface. It also shows us how easy it is for the visitor of the landing page to reach the end goal. This process will also help identify spelling and technical errors.

Checking For bugs And Overall Re-checking

The QA engineer gives the developer a list of inconsistencies and bugs with screenshots or a video recording of the screen, including a step-by-step description of how this or that bug appears. If the problem is not accurately described, the developer may not understand the essence of the error and, accordingly, will not fix it.

As a rule, there is an approved form for reporting errors and bugs in the company, but it can also be just a comment in the task scheduler.

After the developers fix the bugs, the QA engineer tests the landing again. To do this, the specialist chooses the most appropriate method of re-checking.

Smoke testing is a “smoke” or surface test. The QA engineer checks if the bugs he reported are fixed and additionally tests the operation of the main functionality of the landing page.

Regression testing is a deeper check to confirm that there are no bugs. This method helps to make sure that all identified errors are fixed, and new ones do not appear.

In our example, smoke testing was used for re-checking. After the QA engineer was convinced that the identified bugs were fixed. He checked the operability of the main functionality. He checks callback buttons, feedback forms, clickability of links and their relevance to the content, and display of information when hovering over elements in the Directions section.

A Bit Of An Advice

Don’t try to complete the task faster. As with any profession, experience comes with time. It is better to spend more time on testing and attention to detail than to release a poor-quality product in which users find bugs.

Use test cases. You can test without a test case, but it will make it easier for novice QA engineers to complete tasks.

Testing stages will be structured. A clear picture will appear of what needs to be tested.

Tracking the actions required for verification will be less labor-intensive. It will become easier to track which stages were left without test coverage, and which passed the test without detecting bugs and with their detection.

A new employee connects to the project faster. Test cases are compiled based mainly on the terms of reference and clearly demonstrate the behavior of the landing page functionality. 

Regression or smoke testing will be easier due to the presence of a good example.

Stock up on patience and diligence. If you decide to test without writing test cases, keep a plan in mind and follow it step by step. When you start testing one block without having finished testing it, do not rush to test another block. You risk missing something important.

Don’t forget to double-check. Any change to the code may affect other parts of the functionality. The final check will make sure that the errors are fixed and no new ones have appeared.

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